Education & Training
Trade Events

A comprehensive doorway listing all education & training related business expositions, exhibitions and shows enabling you to get latest and abreast schedule of all the events of the industry. Further the complete event profiles and organizer, participant, venue and date details makes your visit more worthwhile.

Education & Training
Trade Events

Liaoning International Education Exhibition - Anshan

Date: 2010-07-21 TO 2010-07-22
Industry: Education & Training trade show

China (Liaoning) International Education Exhibition

Date: 2010-07-24 TO 2010-07-25
Venue: Dalian Xinghai Convention & Exhibition Centre
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Liaoning International Education Exhibition - Shenyang

Date: 2010-07-24 TO 2010-07-25
Venue: Shenyang International Exhibition Center
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Toowoomba Chronicle Careers Expo

Date: 2010-07-27 TO 2010-07-27
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Palestine Education & Training Exhibition-Hebron City

Date: 2010-07-27 TO 2010-07-28
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Palestine Education & Training Exhibition-Nablus City

Date: 2010-07-30 TO 2010-07-31
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Exhibitor FastTrak-Chicago

Date: 2010-08-03 TO 2010-08-05
Industry: Education & Training trade show

University Education Fair 7

Date: 2010-08-06 TO 2010-08-07
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Multi-Industry Job Fair

Date: 2010-08-08 TO 2010-08-08
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Townsville Careers Expo

Date: 2010-08-09 TO 2010-08-09
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Human Resources Development Africa

Date: 2010-08-11 TO 2010-08-13
Venue: Sandton Convention Centre
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Malaysia Education Fair Mongolia

Date: 2010-08-14 TO 2010-08-15
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Careers exposed

Date: 2010-08-17 TO 2010-08-17
Venue: Adelaide entertainment center
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Education Outlook Australia

Date: 2010-08-17 TO 2010-08-20
Venue: Sydney InterContinental
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Holy Russia Perm

Date: 2010-08-20 TO 2010-08-26
Industry: Education & Training trade show

TALENTS - The Job Fair

Date: 2010-08-25 TO 2010-08-26
Venue: Muenchner Order Center (MOC)
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Ostschweizer Bildungs-Ausstellung

Date: 2010-09-03 TO 2010-09-07
Industry: Education & Training trade show

International Education Fair-Paris

Date: 2010-09-04 TO 2010-09-04
Venue: Paris Porte de Versailles
Industry: Education & Training trade show

The Studyrama International Masters & MBA Fair

Date: 2010-09-04 TO 2010-09-04
Venue: Paris Espace
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Economic & Business Education Fair - St. Petersburg

Date: 2010-09-07 TO 2010-09-07
Industry: Education & Training trade show

School Stationery

Date: 2010-09-08 TO 2010-09-12
Venue: ROMEXPO Exhibitions Centre
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Economic & Business Education Fair - Moscow

Date: 2010-09-09 TO 2010-09-09
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Azubi & Studientage Nord-Hannover

Date: 2010-09-10 TO 2010-09-11
Venue: Hannover Fairgrounds
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Undergraduate Education Fair - Moscow

Date: 2010-09-11 TO 2010-09-11
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Queensland Education Resources Expo-Brisbane

Date: 2010-09-11 TO 2010-09-12
Venue: Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
Industry: Education & Training trade show

The Remainder & Promotional Book Fair

Date: 2010-09-12 TO 2010-09-13
Venue: Business Design Centre
Industry: Education & Training trade show

International Education Fair - Moscow

Date: 2010-09-14 TO 2010-09-14
Venue: Radisson SAS Slavjanskaya
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Postgraduate Education Fair - Moscow

Date: 2010-09-14 TO 2010-09-14
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Postgraduate Education Fair - St. Petersburg

Date: 2010-09-16 TO 2010-09-16
Industry: Education & Training trade show

Trade Shows by Industry